Scorpius versus Saggitarius

Scorpius versus Saggitarius
Scorpius versus Saggitarius

Friday, September 16, 2011

APOD 1.3

Great Orion Nebulae
2011 September 13
One of the greatest and brightest nebulas in the night sky is visable now just south of Orion's Belt. This is known as the "Great Orion Nebulae", "Great Nebula in Orion", or even M42. It is made of of two nebula in close proximity to one another the one on the right is full of gaseous young stars making it appear red, while the nebula to the left is actually a reflection nebula. In addition, it is estimated to be 24 light years across and be the closest reigon of massive star formation to Earth. I think it will be exciting to look for this bright cluster in tonight's sky; thank goodness I can see it with my naked eye!
See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
the highest resolution version available.

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