Scorpius versus Saggitarius

Scorpius versus Saggitarius
Scorpius versus Saggitarius

Friday, October 21, 2011

APOD 1.8

2011 October 20
Tails of Comet Garradd
See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

With binoculars or a small telescope, the Comet Garradd, which was discovered back in 2009, will be passing through the constellation Hercules over the next few months. The comet sports several tails and has a green glow about it, so it should be interesting to observe in the nighttime sky. Additionally the comet is 2 A.U. (186,000,000 miles)away from us and is intrinsically large. Perhaps the Comet Garradd will be visible this coming stargaze Sunday night.

This article got me wondering, what are the differences between a comet and an asteroid? After doing a bit of research I have found a few of these differences. A comet is a celestial object believed to be composed primarily of frozen space dust and gases. A comet follows an orbit around a star and as it approaches a star it will melt, releasing its frozen space dust. On the other hand, a meteor does not follow an orbit. Also a meteor is not a meteor until it enters Earth's atmosphere - until then it is a meteoroid. I also found that there are other celestial objects that I did not account for until I finished reading, including  the differences between asteroids, meteors, comets, and meteorites.

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