Scorpius versus Saggitarius

Scorpius versus Saggitarius
Scorpius versus Saggitarius

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Quarter 2/ Observation #5

December. 31, 2011
Jan. 1, 2012
10:30-12:30 P.M.
The Moon was first quarter tonight. I spent most of the night trying to discern constellations that I have not covered previously. My starting points in the sky where Andromeda, Perseus, and Aries. I had to use my winter chart to find out that Auriga sits next to Perseus, which helped me locate Gemini and Cancer. Additionally, I used Orion's belt to find Taurus, thereby getting a better understanding of the winter sky. Finally I observed Lacerta in the northwestern sky, Camelopardalis in the north, and in the south/southwest was Cetus, Pieces, Pegasus, and Aquarius.

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