Scorpius versus Saggitarius

Scorpius versus Saggitarius
Scorpius versus Saggitarius

Monday, January 9, 2012

Quarter 2/ Observations #6

7:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.
This morning's moon was full in the western horizon, meaning that at 7 P.M. the moon rising in the east was waning gibbous. Cancer sat below the moon and Gemini sat above it. Gemini is adjacent to Auriga so I saw that too. To the southwest I saw Jupiter, and since Jupiter currently rests in Aries I was able to find that as well. In the south/southeast I spent a great deal of time looking for Eridanus. I used Orion's belt to point out Taurus and find Eridanus right next to it. Finally in the west I saw Cepheus, Andromeda, and Triangulum.

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